Friday, May 31, 2013

"Little Blue and Little Yellow"

This week, I had planned to focus on a different Leo Lionni book each day, but it turned out my child care children LOVED the book "Little Blue and Little Yellow."  So we just stuck with that book for the week. We were pretty much stuck inside all week, and with our basement flooded, we have had pretty tight quarters and just a smidgen of cabin fever, so I wanted to come up with as many activities for the little ladies as possible.

First, let me say a thing or two about the actual book. This is the book that launched Leo Lionni's children's book career. It is the story of  best friends, little blue and little yellow, who one day can not find one another. When they finally do, they give each other such a huge hug that they turn green. The illustrations in the book are simple, yet engaging.


What a week for art. Everything we did, just used the colors yellow and blue.
I am going to work backwards and go from Friday to Tuesday. Today we placed torn yellow and blue tissue paper on contact paper. Leia decided to put her tissue paper on by the handful, while one of the girls I watch placed her tissue paper on one piece at a time.
Here you can see the pile of tissue paper Leia put on her paper
We put the finished product on the window. Leia observed that in some spot she could see "little green."

On Thursday, I made yellow and blue sidewalk chalk paint. To make this, you use 1 part corn starch, 1 part water, and food coloring. This is something one would typically do outside on the sidewalk, but since it was storming out, we did it inside :)

Letting the paint drizzle on the paper

Getting ready to put yellow on top of the blue
On, Wednesday, the girls used pipe cleaners to create yellow and blue "fireworks." I found the idea for this project at

On Tuesday, the girls did ball painting. This is like marble painting, where you just place a small ball or two in a box and move the balls allowing them to glide through the paint.

This is something that I found on pinterest, and I've wanted to try it out with the girls. The book, "Little Yellow and Little Blue" of course is the perfect set up for an experiment in the mixing of colors.

I just had three cups of water. In one cup I put yellow food coloring, the middle cup was just water, and the third cup was water and blue food coloring. I then place a paper napkin in the yellow and blue cup and place the other end of the paper towel in the clear water.

She had to climb on the table to get a closer look :)

Food Experience

I simply made the vanilla pudding yellow and blue.


Using her eye-hand coordination to scoop the rice into the cup
What a fun week of sensory play. On Tuesday and Wednesday the girls played with the rainbow rice. This had colors other than yellow and blue in it, of course, but it was still a messy good time.

We also made yellow and blue spaghetti for the girls to play with. This is simple to make, you just prepare the noodles as directed on the box, drain, let cool, place noodles in bags or bowls for each color, add a tablespoon of olive oil, and drops of food coloring, and mix.

Ripley is using her sense of touch and taste!!

        Leia discovered that she had "little green" on her fingers when she was all done.     

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