Friday, June 7, 2013

Swimmy....sort of....

I am going to be honest, this week has been sort of a bust. Between my little one having an unexplained fever and having to move everything from the basement to the first floor, things have been hectic. However, I still managed to squeeze a few activities in.

The book of the week was, "Swimmy," by Leo Lionni.

Toward the end of the book, I had Leia predict what she thought the fish would form with their bodies. At first she did not understand. So I rephrased, "they are going to use there bodies to make a puzzle, what puzzle do you think they will make to scare away the fish?' Leia replied, "a square." When we turned the page and saw that they created a big fish, she said, "like in Nemo!!"

I found this idea on pinterest, in fact, I find a lot of my ideas there. I printed out the picture and had Leia use a q-tip to fill in each of the dots.

I also had one of the girls that I watch paint with q-tips. Instead of coloring in the dots, she used the q-tip and made different designs in her paint.

We also did a few art projects based on "Swimmy." The first was a simple handprint project. I don't know about you, but my parents LOVE getting hand print art work. For this project, I simply cut out a piece of paper in the shape of a fish bowl (yes, I know Swimmy lives in the ocean) had the girls color the bowls and then we add there hand print. For some reason, I can't seem to find a picture of there work, but it looks similar to this.

Leia rolling the bubble wrap over the fish. 

The girls also did another art project where they had to follow some basic steps. The first step was to paint the sheet of paper blue. The second step was to place the fish that I had pre-cut out on a dry piece of paper and use the bubble wrap roller to paint the fish.

Next the girls placed the fish onto the wet paint, doing this while the paint is still wet, eliminates the need for glue.


Math this week really had nothing to do with the book of the week, but we did focus on numbers. The first thing Leia did was a number chart. She had to put the correct amount of stickers in each of the squares. Before she started this, I had her count each of the squares. Her friend, who isn't quite 2, listened as she counted.
Counting the squares.

After counting the squares, she placed one sticker in each of the squares. We then talked about the different numbers on the paper. The next day, I had Leia place jelly beans in each of the squares. She noticed that I didn't give her enough to fill in all of the squares and she said, "I need just one more." I had her reach in the bag and grab, "just one."

Late during the week, I created a number sheet for Leia. I wrote the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in random order on the page. I assigned a certain color to each number, and had Leia do a dot on the correct number.

 We did some baking this week. We made corn muffins and chocolate chip banana muffins. The girls watched as I put the ingredients into the measuring cups and listened as I talked about the different measurements. They also helped put the ingredients in the bowl, mashed the banana, and help stir.
Mashing bananas

Adding the mix

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